Amos Rex Ryoji Ikeda -exhibition

Visual identity, graphic design, merchandise design

Creative direction: Ryoji Ikeda Studio
Case photography: Christian Jakowleff

Päivi Helander

Päivi Helander (former Häikiö) is an art director and graphic designer. After completing a master’s degree in Art Studies at the University of Turku and studying graphic design at UCLA, Los Angeles, she has worked in book publishing, design and advertising agencies in Munich, Hamburg and Helsinki.

After five years as creative director and partner at an award-winning multidisciplinary design studio in Helsinki, Helander opened her own studio in 2019. Her projects range from creating visual identities to art direction, visual storytelling and concept design. In her work, Helander pursues her great interest in haptic and spatial expression, print publishing, colours, typography and form. Books are her lifelong love.

Helander has won several awards in international and national design, marketing and book design competitions. She has also had the honour to serve as the Chief Judge in the Vuoden Huiput competition 2019 for the best Finnish creative design. Helander is a board member of the Finnish Book Art Committee and the The Foundation of Finnish Book Institute.

Päivi Helander also consults, lectures and moderates on creativity, sustainability and editorial design. Since 2019, she has been a visiting project teacher at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, specialising in the visual narrative of climate change, spatial expression in visual communication, contemporary graphic design and design impact. She has co-authored books Working with Wood (Rakennustieto, 2017), Curiositas (Kansallismuseo, 2021) and Olof Ottelin. Sisustusarkkitehdin muoto – En inredningsarkitekt tar form (Arkkitehtuurimuseo, 2023).

+358 40 588 4211